Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chile: We have changed?

This year we celebrate the bicentenary of our country. In fact, we don´t have, like free and republican country, two thousand years, however we celebrate our independency at September 18th. The question that I think right now is ¿how much we actually been changed since that days until today? Unfortunately, there are many things from that Chile that, in a different and modern way, we still have in our days. Maybe in that context, celebration of bicentenary is a good date for think about that.
In the colonial Chile, like every colonial place, there were few people who used to have power and money; they, in his parties and meetings, decided the future of all the country. When our country was finally free, not a Spanish colony, still was a small group of people that decided; the principal difference was that the powerful people was named like Chileans, but the names and families was the same that before.
In our days still are a few families that have power and money, and they tend to be related one each other. It´s true that today a regular Chilean citizen has more capacity to decided that in the beginning of our country, but that is a limited power; in fact, it´s so tiny that a citizen just can exercise his power in a vote in a election, and we, as Chileans and as part of our regions or towns, we can´t even choose all of our authorities. It seems that we don´t have many impact in the future or our nation.
The problem is that rich and powerful people don´t do anything for trying to include more persons in that circles and the people don´t try to get in either. With that situation, we still are, and will be, an unequal country.
With all that, is very obvious that Chile, in these two thousand years, hasn´t changed too much. We, as a country, have more equality, but we don´t are an equality country. I believe that have many causes, but one of them is what I say: the powerful and rich people are always the same, they related with each other, and they decided the way of Chile. If the people don´t see that reality as a serious problem, Chile never is going to be an equal country.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

My home is in Rancagua. I’ve always lived there; and it always going to be home. I know that in the future I will leave in Santiago because there are more possibilities to get a good job here, but when I go to Rancagua, I have a feeling that I’m in home. However, my house has not always been the one that today we have as family; in fact, I was born in a house that I don´t remembered because we change it when I was around 2 years. Since that, I’ve living in fourth different houses. I keep the best memories of all that places.

This one looks like home

Today my home is near to “5 Rout” in Rancagua. I don´t leave too near from the center; it takes me around 15 minutes in car. I know that it didn´t sound much, but in Rancagua is a lot of time! In bus, going to the cinema takes me around 40 to 45 minutes; that just because the cinema and my home are forest that could be. Even that, I like living there. I lived away from my friends, but luckily one of them has a car! :P
In my home I live with my parents, my brother and my sister, but my sister did not travel that much to Rancagua, which is good to me in one hand because we share room there (and here in Santiago too); but in other hand, the three of us we always have a great time! Our bedroom is always the center of our chats; we eat, watch tv and have fun there.    
I love my home! Is very cosy! Well, is not that big and we dream to make it a better house: more rooms, fix some things, painting it, etc. Of course, everyone wants to makes his house prettier, but I love it anyway. However, my dream house looks like that:   

Cute, rignt?